After renouncing gardening, I am charged with watering the plants
My neighbours have gone on holiday to France for a couple of weeks. They asked me to water the plants in their pots while I am away.
This is further evidence that the universe has a sense of humour. After all, the last few weeks have seen me shipping out gardening books in large numbers as I finally accept the fact that I will never grow green fingers or anything in my garden.
Now I am responsible for pots of flowers and plants decorating the terrace next door.
It’s a strange concept. Plants growing in the ground are left to fend for themselves. Stick them in a pot and suddenly they need extra care.
Plants put where you want them are desirable. Plants that decide for themselves where to sprout are weeds. I can feel a political metaphor bubbling away there.
But no time for that; I’m off to fill up a watering can.