I have made it to 125 posts a day at a time
Here’s a picture of a remarkable piece of railway engineering
This is my 125th consecutive daily post on Medium. When I started on June 1st this year I was hoping to make it to a year of annual posts but expected to fail after a week, perhaps two. That, after all, was the familiar pattern revealed by previous attempts at blogging or any other regular writing.
Admittedly, this is not really a post but an announcement. It’s blowing my horn. Patting myself on the back. Allowing myself a strut across the page.
I feel I deserve it.
Normal service will be resumed tomorrow. Today I have spent wallowing in the warm and completely unsatisfactory juices of procrastination. I will go to bed with nothing much achieved and start again tomorrow full of possibly unrealistic hopes.
Then again, I made it to post 125. That’s over a third of the way towards a year of posts.
Coincidentally, the 125 — the Inter-City 125 — was the last great piece of engineering created by British Rail before it was dismantled, degraded as a public service, and cut up and sold off for anyone but the British taxpayer to reap the benefits.