The universe moves to reward steps taken (perhaps)
Or, to put it another way, I am the recipient of a rather fortuitous coincidence.
Today, I finished the first draft of the novel. All 85,831 words of the draft are printed and sitting on the desk beside me. Tomorrow, I shall punch holes and slot the draft into an A4 binder and hide it away for a couple of weeks before attacking it afresh.
It comes to 332 double-spaced pages but I have printed two pages to an A4 page (as it were) and will bind it in a landscape binder. We used to use those binders a lot in Singapore when I was based there and I have one still. (Incidentally, when I looked online to see if I could order some more — they are Japanese — the price quoted was about £50 each. Wow.)
Oh yes, the coincidence.
Well, I received an email from Ricardo Fayet of Reedsy to tell me I had won a recent ‘competition’ — giveaway, really — and so now had a significant sum to spend on services through Reedsy. When I get the second draft done, I shall make use of some editorial skills. (Which, previous arrogance to the contrary, I most certainly will need.)
Whether it’s a coincidence or the universe rewarding me for making moves in the right direction, it can’t be a bad thing and it gives me a wee hum of pleasure.
Which I shall share with you, in the manner of Winnie-the-Pooh:
Hum de hum mm mmm hum hum. Tiddely pom. Hum!