What do you wear when your muse comes calling?

Graham Stewart
1 min readSep 3, 2016


Photo by Scott Webb via Unsplash

I know this; your muse only appears when you’re dressed like a writer, acting like a writer, and thinking like a writer.

That boils down to these three things:
Wear whatever you like AS LONG AS
You sit at your writing place AND
You write something with your mind engaged.

The muse isn’t interested in you:
When you sit feeling sorry for yourself;
When you daydream;
When you make plans about writing in the future;
When you want ideas;
When you read.

To expect your muse to show up when you’re not making the effort is like expecting air to rush over the wings and make a plane lift off before it starts accelerating down the runway. It isn’t going to happen. Physics is involved in writing, too.

Your muse will help; it won’t do the heavy lifting.



Graham Stewart
Graham Stewart

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